Classic Savory, SM branch

Next stop, Classic Savory at SM branch Cebu. Actually this is the first time we have dined in to this restaurant. What can we say about the restaurant? Honestly the food is great, the service is fast and the gravy is perfect. 🙂 The ambiance is nice and clean facilities. We were just looking around in SM on where to eat and luckily we landed here and made our stomachs full.

We also tried eating restaurants that serves chicken but this is the best so far. I believe they also cater occasions like gatherings, birthdays, anniversaries and different kinds of occasions, you may also call this number for inquiries:  0917-584-7157

You may check the menu below:

Classic Savory
2nd Floor SM City
Contact Phone Number: 0917-584-7157

 Food Rating : ★★★★★

Place Rating: ★★★★☆

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